Thursday, June 18, 2009

General Deasil's All Natural Cleaning Solution (available on Etsy)

It seems our grandmothers (and great-grandmothers ) knew how to be thrifty in the depression days of the 30's. Though we haven't quite reached that economic crisis (and I hope we never sink to that point) it does make you think about ways to reduce spending and waste.

There are countless ways to do things on the cheap or ways to reuse or fix a material object. The first question should be - "do I need it? Is it a want?" And "could I make that?"

Things to make....

Obviously the handmade movement is in full swing and many many things now are being crafted in our very own homes, but what can we make that is a normal everyday necessity?

Cleaning products.

What you say, make my own Lysol! Ok, some things I don't know how you would create without a lab equivalent to S.E. and Johnsons, but simple everyday cleaning products can be made in your very own kitchen. Not to mention these products are all natural and therefore much kinder to mother earth. It's a win both ways.

These recipes were taken from Better Homes and Gardens

Soft Scrub
Add enough soap to 1/8 cup baking soda to make a creamy mixture. Apply with sponge to clean; rinse the surface well. Use and discard.

Appliance Cleaner
Dry baking soda shines up small appliances and even removes bread wrappers burned onto the toaster. Try rubbing a teaspoon onto your grubby blender or food processor with a clean flannel cloth.

Toilet Cleaner/Deodorizer
Sprinkle toilet bowl with 1/4 cup baking soda. Drizzle with 1/4 cup vinegar, then scour with a toilet brush.

Oven Cleaner
Sprinkle oven with 1/2 cup baking soda (more if needed) and spray with water. Let sit for several hours or overnight before scraping up stains and spills. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Hardwood Floor Cleaner
In a pail or bucket, mix 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar in one gallon warm water. Mop wood or linoleum floors, then rinse with water, making sure not to leave large pools to dry.

Need more ideas, try looking at these books for more recipes and tricks.

Real Simple's 66 natural cleaning products
Tree hugging family 25 homemade cleaning supplies
Being Frugal's homemade cleaning tips, plus loads of comments and other tips from readers

Hygiene products....

What's gentler on your counters also works on your face. Bath soaks, soaps, face wash, you name it.

All natural beauty has a huge list of homemade goodies for your body such as ginger skin cream and yogurt body mask.
More ideas from Kristin's guide


Cooking at home is definitely cheaper than eating out each night (not that you need to completely give that up). Try making things in large batches and freezing them. You can make waffles, pasta sauce, ice cream, and so much more. Make extra of dinner and freeze it for a later lunch. Use a re-usable container instead of buying frozen dinners with extra packaging. Go pick hordes of strawberries in early summer and freeze them for year round use.

Grandma would be proud!

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